I'm Amrit.

Computer Science student at WPI, pizza eater, absolute goon.


Hi! I'm Amrit. I am currently a senior at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, studying Computer Science. In my free time, I enjoy experimenting with combat robotics, working on this website, and playing video games. If you have any good suggestions for this website, feel free to shoot me an email at amrit@amrit.dev!


Worcester Polytechnic Institute Computer Science

Worcester, MA August 2017 - Present

I'm now in my Senior year at WPI. The 7-week terms here are stressful, but allows me to focus on 3 classes per term, rather than the 5 or 6 at a time of most other colleges. Through their extensive resources WPI has given me a very nice foothold in an otherwise fast-moving environment.

University of Hartford

Hartford, CT August 2014 - May 2017

Through a partnership between my high school (UHSSE) and University of Hartford, I was able to take University of Hartford classes, on campus, with their professors (free of charge!). At the beginning of my sophomore year of high school, I began taking classes here, starting with Pre-Calculus. I was able to understand the workings of a college classroom, and get familiar with a good work ethic for college workloads.


Lead Developer, Project Manager at WPI CS3733, Worcester, MA

Software Engineering, known as its course number CS3733 here at WPI, is one of the most rigorous and tough courses that a CS major can take at WPI. This course pits teams of 8-10 students against each other, using the task of building the best project. Our project for that term was to build a alcohol label form submission and approval application for the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Using Agile Scrum, a lot of coffee, and a lot of all-nighters, our team was able to build a JavaFX application that did that and more. Throughout this course I used Java, Apache Derby(JavaDB), PostgreSQL, and Python. This was also my first big collaborative project on Github!

Product Support Intern at AlphaPoint, New York, NY

AlphaPoint was one of the most invigorating experiences I've ever had while doing work for a third party. While there, I got a lot of various tasks, some larger than others. I did work in Python, MS SQL, and some web development with HTML/CSS. I got to learn a lot from people who were very passionate and knowledgeable on all sorts of topics, from sales to C development.

Software Engineer at DBS Energy, Cromwell, CT

At DBS Energy, our project was (actually not very) simple. Make a solution to collect electricity data and present said data to the customers in a nice way. I worked mainly in the frontend, creating (or at least attempting to) a dashboard that a customer would view, that contained usage statistics, weather, and other helpful information. I also worked lightly in creating a solution to read from the meter's output, and CADing models to build said solution.


This website!

Though it may look simple, this website is how I did a lot of my learning of my core HTML/CSS! I regularly tinker with this as an ongoing project. I have plans to actually expand this website to my family, and make a cool little portal to all of our sites :)

Software Engineering (CS3733)

This was the final product from the course that I posted above! We used JavaFX, Java, PostgreSQL, and some Python. For our image recognition, we used Tesseract's OCR system, and an Amazon AWS PostgreSQL backend.


A result of the HackUMass 2019 Hackathon, my friends Matt, Andi, and Andi's girlfriend Norlinda built and coded a motorized reclining armchair. This thing was too fast, too furious, and was an absolute blast to build and drive. Click here or on the image to the left for a full writeup on the Ballad of TurboChair.


During a civic hackathon in June of 2018, I joined forces with a couple friends to prototype a platform called hartCRM. We won the hackathon, which was part of the Bloomberg Mayor's Challenge!
















Autodesk Inventor
